Show Publisher Additional Controls

The Show Publisher has additional controls that are available only to them in the ShowViewer room. These controls are as follows:

Show Publisher Additional Toolbar Buttons

Publisher Panel

The Show Publisher also has access to a panel on the right side of the screen that allows for quick editing of who is invited to the room.

The Added tab shows who currently has access to the room. For each viewer, if they are not currently in the room their status will be red, if they are in the room their status will be green.

  • To remove a user, uncheck the box next to their name and click Apply Changes. Their name should no longer appear in the Added panel.

The Not Added tab is a list of every viewer who currently does not have access to the show.

  • To add a user, check the box next to the name of the viewer and click Apply Changes. Their name should no longer appear in the Not Added panel and should now appear in the Added panel.

Last updated