Activate User who has been Suspended

If a user has failed to log in multiple times in a short time span their account will be suspended. If this happens the Show Admin will need to activate that user again before they are allowed to log in. To activate that user use the following procedure:

  1. From the home page, select the ShowAdmin portal for the show you would like to remove users from.

  2. You are now in the Show Admin portal. Now click the List of Users icon at the top to enter the User List page:

  3. You are now on the User List page. On this page will see all details of every user and all of the Roles that are assigned to each user. To activate a user find the user you would like to activate and click Activate in that user’s row.

  4. A prompt will come up on screen confirming that you want to activate the user, select Yes.

  5. The user will now be sent a new temporary password to login and should follow the same instructions as Creating an Account.

Last updated