Rename Stream

The stream name is the title that is displayed on the left side bar in the Show Viewer page. The Show Publisher has the ability to change the name of this after the stream has been created, this change will reflect for every Show Viewer who views the left side bar after the change. To change the name of the stream use the following procedure:

  1. From the home page, select the ShowViewer portal for the show where you would like to rename a stream.

  2. You are now in the Show Viewer portal.

  3. To view the streams that you have access to, hover your mouse to the left side of the screen to expand the stream selection panel.

  4. To rename the stream, click the pencil icon next to the stream that you want to change.

  5. Type in the new name that you would like the stream to be called. Only numbers and characters can be used here, spaces and special characters are not allowed.

  6. When you are satisfied with the new name of the stream, click the green check icon next to the box.

  7. You should now notice that the stream name has been changed.

Last updated