Create Stream

The only users who are able to create streams in a show are the Show Publishers. Creating a stream will generate a token enable the Show Publisher to share their workspace via OBS. To create a stream use the following procedure:

  1. From the home page, select the ShowPublisher portal for the show where you would like to create a stream.

  2. You are now in the Show Publisher portal. To ensure that you are on the Create Stream page, ensure that the leftmost icon on the top bar is selected and your screen appears as below:

  3. Enter a stream name for this stream. Only numbers and characters can be used here, spaces and special characters are not allowed. Note: It is recommended to enter a stream end time on this page, but not required.

  4. Click Create and your stream should have been created.

Please keep the stream name and token confidential, sharing these credentials is NOT recommended

Last updated