Invite Users to Stream

The Show Publishers have the ability to control which Show Viewers on the show are able to access the stream that the Show Publisher has created. To edit which Show Viewers may access the stream use the following steps:

  1. From the home page, select the ShowPublisher portal for the show where you would like to invite users to a stream.

  2. You are now in the Show Publisher portal. To ensure that you are on the Manage Users page, ensure that the Manage Users icon on the top bar is selected and your screen appears as below. On the left side bar you will notice the list of Show Viewers who are not currently invited to the stream. On the right side of the page you will see which Show Viewers currently do have access to the stream.

  3. To add new Show Viewers to the stream click the check box next to their name on the left side bar.

  4. Once the desired Show Viewers are selected in the side bar, click the Add Users To Stream button.

The selected users have now been added to the stream and should show up in the right side of the page.

Last updated