Copy and Paste Token into OBS

In order to share a workspace in a stream, the Show Publisher will need to find the Token from the Show Publisher portal and insert these values into OBS. To complete this task follow the steps below:

  1. From the home page, select the ShowPublisher portal for the show you would like to publish to.

  2. You are now in the Show Publisher portal. To ensure that you are on the List Of Streams page, ensure that the rightmost icon on the top bar is selected and your screen appears as below:

  3. On the List Of Streams portal you will find your Stream Label and a few buttons for actions to perform on the stream.

    1. Copy Stream Name - Clicking this button will copy the Stream Name for OBS into your clipboard.

    2. Copy Token - Clicking this button will copy the Stream Token for OBS into your clipboard.

    3. Delete Stream - This will remove the stream completely and will require the creation of a new stream before this Show Publisher can stream a workspace or host a stream again.

  4. Open OBS and click Settings.

  5. From the side bar, select Stream.

  6. In the web browser click Copy Stream Name

  7. In OBS paste into the Stream Name box.

  8. Return to the web browser and click Copy Token.

  9. Return to OBS and paste into the Publishing Token box. It is recommended to also click the Show button next to the Publishing Token box to ensure that the pasted content is different than the Stream Name.

  10. In OBS, select VP8 from the Codec box, then click OK.

    You are now ready to begin publishing to the stream.

Please keep the stream name and token confidential, sharing these credentials is NOT recommended

Last updated